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5 Practical Tips to Pivot from Graphic Designer to Web Designer

5 Practical Tips to Pivot from Graphic Designer to Web Designer

Last Update : 19 July 2022

Switching from Graphic Designing to Web Designing Career: Things to Learn

This comprehensive post encompasses the five easy tips for web designers to pivot from graphic designing to web designing. Suppose you want to switch over your graphic job and select web designing as a career choice; welcome to this post. Graphic designing has some similar aspects to web designing. So, it becomes better for you to switch over your career more smoothly.

A career in graphic designing is an occupation that is usually connected to designing. Graphic designers indeed create some iconic and ubiquitous designs. And there’s no denying that graphic designing is a quintessential part of web designing itself.

And if a graphic designer wants to pursue web designing as a career choice, it’s a more in-depth career path. Plus, job satisfaction and fulfillment are crucial considerations that may make someone shift from being a graphic designer to becoming a web designer.

Changing from graphic designing to web designing might sound like an extremely crucial decision. But if you are sure of this decision, here’s guiding your way through. To assist you in making a seamless and straightforward transition from graphic to web designing, let’s talk about the connection between graphic designing and web designing. What are the common things that they have?

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What Is Common In Graphic Design And Web Design?

Want to know some tips for web designers? First, know what graphic design and web design have in common. You can enhance your existing skills accordingly and leverage them to become a successful web designer.

1. Excellent Graphic Designing Skills

Excellent Graphic Designing Skills

For both the job areas, a pursuer needs to enhance their skills on quintessential designing skills. Creativity is one of the most important skills one needs to improve. Besides, understanding the requirements of a client is also a key consideration.

An excellent sense and understanding of graphic design is key to web designing success. Most of the web design tips and tricks are centered around graphic design.

2. Excellent Sense of Color Palettes And Color Psychology

Excellent Sense of Color Palettes And Color Psychology

As you already know, playing with the right colors can enhance the overall beauty of your graphic design. On the other hand, it is no secret that colors can change your entire web design. The important website design tips indicate the influence of color. Competent graphic designers with the ability to use colors to strengthen the brand, encourage sales, and guide visions toward specific pages can become good web designers.

The secret lies in the right use of colors. Whether it’s graphic designing or web designing, color has a specified role in enhancing brand reputation. If you understand how colors can affect individuals, it becomes easier for you to ensure that colors in the website design work to establish a brand.

3. Outstanding Ability to Design Layouts and Images per Client Demands

Outstanding Ability to Design Layouts and Images per Client Demands

A simple design layout makes the visitor comfortable. Meaningful images capture the readers’ attention. These aspects are as important for web designers as for graphic designers. A well-designed layout makes the information easier to consume. It’s the fundamental part of visual communication. So, outstanding design layouts and images are prerequisites in web and graphic design.

4. Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and Innovation

As mentioned, creativity is the driving force that makes an amateur become a professional graphic designer. It’s also an integral component in web designing. Creativity is a process that transfers designs and graphical work from raw ideas to interactive and engaging designs. On the other hand, innovation is a process of uninterruptedly improving the quality and usability of a website, thereby meeting user expectations.

5. Outstanding Visual Communication Design Expertise

Outstanding Visual Communication Design Expertise

Most website design tips underline the importance of visual communication in designs. The same applies to creative graphic design work.

Whether you go through responsive web design tips and tricks that every web designer should know or graphic designers should know, you will find similar information about visual communication in design.

What do Graphic Designers Need To Learn To Become Web Designers?

Most graphic designers are not familiar with coding and programming languages. Learning them, however, need not be quite tough if you start with the easier options, for example, using CSS offered by WordPress or template-based web design tools. You can then decide how much you can explore with basic codes and front-end design tools.


HTML is the code that gets used for structuring the web page and its content. A web designer should know the skills required for coding. They should be proficient with the HyperText Markup Language to put content on the web page, thereby giving it a structure. For instance, content may get structured within the paragraphs, bulleted points, images, and data tables may get included.

The designer must also be able to implement headlines, paragraphs, footers, and graphics on the website. Thus, enhancing skills in HTML goes a long way in your path to becoming an expert web designer.

2. CSS

CSS is a language that describes the presentation of web pages. It may include layout, colors, as well as fonts. It is used to adapt the presentation of various elements and its display on mobile screens, printers, and large desktop screens.

If you are planning to become a web designer, you should learn about different CSS options. Whether you are learning about responsive web design tips or interactive web designing, knowing HTML and CSS are a must.

3. Key Web Design Software And Tools

Web designers should learn the importance of integrating sought-after designing software and tools. The designing tools are the interfaces that assist you in creating a website or elements for the site.

Software and tools offer a wide range of features that allow you to customize the website according to the clients’ needs and preferences. You might need to learn and acquire certifications to show your knowledge of a specific type or suite of web design software and tools.

4. Knowledge of Response Web Design

If you research tips for web designers, you might hear a lot of responsive web design tips and tricks. A web designer should understand the intricacies of creating responsive web designs. While searching for a product or service, most customers use their phones. Responsive web design can help expand accessibility and outreach.

A Concluding Thought

If you find web designing a more prosperous career choice and are searching for tips for web designers to get a perspective of web design from a client perspective, you must have found this blog quite useful.

We have outlined the essential things you need to learn to shift from being a graphic designer to a web designer. Once you are on that path, you can easily acquire more certifications to specialize and become an expert web designer.

Språk Design

Språk Design has a large team of web designers and graphic designers. The company has been offering web and graphic design solutions to companies worldwide for 12+ years. We have served clients from different industry sectors and have gained extensive experience in designing websites for different types of organizations and markets. Connect with us to learn the best website design tips!

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