6 Tips to Improve Your Branding Strategy and Design

Last Update : 9 August 2021
When and How to Revise Branding and Brand Designs
In this constantly evolving era, rebranding or brand updating has become essential. Trends, perceptions and marketplace dynamics change every 2-5 years. To help your company grow in every environment, you need to keep revising your branding design strategy. Find out all that you need to know about branding a company in an outcome-oriented manner. Discover when you need to rebrand to gain the upper hand in the market. Unless you have a super competitive team, you need the services of a branding agency that can enhance your brand identity and value through the right strategies and executions.
Branding strategy refers to a long-term plan that an organization uses to achieve goals related to building trust, credibility, and loyalty towards a brand for increasing its market presence and saleability. The brand could be of a product or service or the company itself.
It is a type of marketing strategy for your brand that helps build a brand image, develop brand recognition and even attract more customers to boost your brand ultimately.
- A successful branding strategy defines the brand’s missions and gains the confidence of its customers through communication and activities about how they will keep their promises.
- Branding is ultimately the way by which your brand or business is presented in the market. Therefore, essentially a good brand design is one of the primary factors for the growth of your brand.
On the other hand, brand designing is an essential part of branding strategy. It is the visual representation of the brand’s identity to the public. Brand designing is of such importance that you should not risk its outcomes by hiring people without proper experience and knowledge. For this particular reason, it is advised to opt for a branding agency to come up with the best designs for your company.
If you feel like you have been doing something wrong with the strategizing process, maybe you are, and it’s time that you take help from a branding firm.
Do You Need To Upgrade Your Branding Design or Rebrand?
1. You are tired of attracting the wrong audience
Are your branding efforts bringing the expected results from your key customer segments, increasing brand reputation and sales? Or is branding giving you interactions with audience segments that is irrelevant to your branding?
If your messaging and branding design is not able to connect with the right customer segments and not giving desired results, it is time to rebrand or upgrade your branding strategy and design. It is at such an outset wiser to consult with a branding services company or a brand consulting agency that has experienced successful rebranding.
2. Your business has diversified or expanded to cover new markets
If you are going out of your chosen niche, you must frame your branding strategies accordingly. When companies diversify and enter new markets, the old branding plan or brand designs might no longer be very relevant or effective. It is possible to go for brand extension, but the chances of it going wrong are big if the brand’s visual communication does not strike chords in the target market segments.
For example, when a business or brand known typically for its burgers uses the same old branding strategy and design for selling a new food range such as doughnuts and pies, it often fails to win much business.
3. Your products or solutions have been redesigned or changed
Companies do not stick to the same model and features in their products or solutions. As times change and customer demands change, products undergo a lot of revisions. For example, a water filtration system or a music system or an electrical appliance produced in 2010 differs a lot from those produced in 2020-21.
If that is the case with your company, ask yourself if you are still stuck with the same branding styles and strategy?
You need to make sure that your brand is in alignment with the pace of time and society.
4. Your company has transformed service delivery and value propositions
Companies often go through a major transformation over a period of time, adopting new technologies and upgrading production and delivery standards. Branding strategy and design have to be changed to reflect the new strengths and enhanced the business image.
Rebranding or upgrading your brand identity and design styles is a key way of creating awareness of the tremendous value change or the new standards you have set in solutions or service delivery.
If you have reasoned out that you are ready for updating and enhancing your branding design and strategy, here are some tips that could help you orient your efforts in the right direction.
Six Tips to Update and Enhance Your Branding Design and Strategy
1. Evaluate Which Goals Were Not Achieved
First, check your progress. Revisit your entire branding strategy and observe what worked and what did not. After evaluating your progress, focus on the goals that were not achieved and try to discover what went wrong. Was it the branding strategy and designs that did not work out, or were there problems with the execution of brand promotion or business promotion activities?
For example, a gaming company found through sales analytics that the high revenue products it offered were usually bought by a younger audience, mainly adolescents from small towns. Its branding efforts were more oriented towards people in their 20s in metros. Just by minor tweaks in their logo and brand messaging and a revised brand and product promotion plan, they could significantly increase their revenues.
Figure out what brand strategy suits best to your marketing efforts and make you reach your goals more efficiently. You could also partner with an innovative or creative branding agency that displays strengths in goal-oriented branding and design solutions.
2. Perform Detailed, Insightful Competitive Research and Analysis
For branding a company, you need much more than just good design ideas. Building a brand strategy without having extensive knowledge in the field is a bad idea. In situations like this, a branding services agency might be able to come to your rescue. It’s essential to know what your competitors and other businesses in your niche are doing and which type of branding your audience is associating themselves with.
By knowing what is trending in your marketplace and attracting the most attention and positive interaction, you can learn about how your brand will flourish with the help of various strategies.
Detailed and comprehensive research will help you figure out what is going around and how your branding efforts should be directed. Studying the existing brands in the niche will help you gain strategic insights and develop the perfect brand persona.
3. Craft a New, More Precise, and Detailed Brand Persona
Every brand is different; even those associated with similar products or services are different in terms of objectives, ideas, and other features. If your brand representation is similar to numerous others, you risk being an indistinguishable part of a crowd. A good way to avoid such consequences is to first develop a brand persona before planning brand identity development or promotion activities.
The second step is to build buyer personas for key customer segments. When you know who you are dealing with, what your customers want, their likes, dislikes, peeves, fears, threats, and interests, it becomes easier to align your brand persona in a way that appeals strongly to your target audience.
Work with a branding firm or a brand consulting agency that specializes in detailed brand persona creation and innovative design and branding solutions.
4. Upgrade Your Brand Identifiers – Logo, Color Palette, Packaging Design
An attractive color palette is essential to boost your brand. Colors hold significant importance in influencing your potential customers. The color scheme of your brand should reflect your brand’s identity, motive, and objectives. This suggests a graphical representation of the brand identity.
Similarly, try choosing a logo design that is not too common or something people don’t find comfortable. Your designs, color schemes, and all other attributes of your brand should strike positive chords with your target audience. A competent branding services company will assist you in developing the best brand identifiers for your business.
5. Animate or Transform Visual Elements in Digital Marketing Campaigns
Make your digital marketing content very much visually appealing. People would be more interested to know your brand if they find it relatable and engaging. Keep in mind that everything you do should be for your customer. Utilize the font styles, tone, storyline, texts as per the convenience of the customers.
To make it more visually stimulating, you could create 3D animated logos on the material used for an email marketing campaign along with dynamic product representations. The product packaging design is also a key aspect of your branding. It should be such that it captures customer attention quickly and builds a sense of trust and credibility.
If you do not have a highly specialized team of branding consultants and designers, it is worth investing in the services of a branding firm that can give desired solutions to make your campaigns successful.
6. Enhance Your Social Media Branding – Blogs, Posts, Profiles
When people come across your social media pages or content – blogs, posts, profiles, infographics, etc., the design, style, presentation, and appeal becomes automatic identifiers of your brand. As one of the most active mediums for marketing is social media, you might be losing a lot of potential customer interest without rightly designed content and pages.
Connecting with a wide audience through your social media initiatives will boost your brand traffic and reputation. When you are planning any activity for branding a company, not including a strong social media brand reputation or enhancement strategy could cost you much.
How Sprak Design Can Help?
Sprak Design has a strong team of branding consultants and designers. We are an experienced branding services provider that has worked with businesses from diverse segments for improving their branding outcomes. We understand that every organization needs a unique, innovative branding approach to make its brands connect powerfully with the right audience.
The success stories we have created for 100+ companies serving as a creative branding agency and fueling their marketing efforts have enriched our strengths, knowledge and skills.
Rebranding is a huge responsibility, and you can place 100% trust in our abilities to make it a success! Let us connect with you and assist you in enhancing your branding outcomes.